
Review of it all...

It's been a full and exciting year... With plenty of ups and downs too, making it rich in many ways.


Holidays at home and away... St Ives, Port Isaac, Suffolk, Venice...

Exhibitions, at home, in Cornwall...

Farewells as Charlie set off on his travels, then off to Plymouth... And back!

Goodbye... To my great friend Louise. Really missed.

Weddings...4 of them! Very happy times.

Friendships, family, strengthened and held dear.


Of course there's loads more... It's just a snapshot of life in the Reeves home... Looking forward to next year and all it holds. Glad and grateful for life, work, family, friends, faith and laughter.




'...Silent and soft and slow, descends the snow...' Longfellow

More snow pictures...

I am aware that this is just a brief season and that spring is stirring (yes it is!) So I am indulging that liking for silence and stillness. And during the quiet weeks ahead I am going to be busy anticipating new things...


This is the tree I love most in my front garden... (actually it's the park in front of my house... I just pretend). And it reminds me today that spring will come and summer too... Better get ready.



Natures inspiration...

Here is a little example of how a trip out on a sunny day provides lots of inspiration for work. Nature is a hard act to follow so best not to try and be completely representational! An impression will do for me...

Glass is a lovely medium to work in and painting on to it with powdered glass somehow seems to work with these trees...




Just reminiscing about last years cold snap.

Have watched these beautiful trees across the road change with the seasons over the year. This has got to be a favourite though.



Fairy light wonder.

I really am winding own now if I've got time for playing around with fairy lights. I love these though, it's amazing what you can do with a phone camera these days.

Without the pressure of working to a deadline, I find it a little bit hard to focus at the moment. So I am looking forward to January and having a daily plan of action. The main aim being fresh inspiration and new avenues....

In the mean time, fairy lights and tinsel suffice.

(been listening to Tracey Thorn too much!)


'Consoling sea...'

I'm looking forward to taking time out in January to look at, watch, paint and be inspired by the coast. The thought is the equivalent to quenching a thirst on a hot day. Can't wait.

It's can be a bit draining living in the city. But that for me can also crystallise the whole reason for being creative. The refreshment and restorative value of the sea and the coast is huge. It's so important.

John Betjemans poem Winter Seascape is a favourite. I love the last verse.

'Here where the cliffs alone prevail, I stand exultant, neutral, free. And from the cushion of the gale, behold a huge consoling sea.'

Say no more.


Perfect and still

Padstow was full to bursting today. So many people busily being festive.

It was a good day at The Picture House Gallery... We met lots of new visitors and some regulars too. And there was an encouraging response to the Winter River collection.

The sun shone and the sea in the harbour was calm and still, a perfect backdrop.

Then the santas came running by.


Festive Padstow...

In the morning I'm heading off to Padstow with a collection of glass pictures and paintings. If you are around for the Christmas Festival on Saturday afternoon, come and say hello! I'll be at the Picture House Gallery between 12 and 3. It will be a festive affair!



'Wise Trees'

Winter Trees

All the complicated details
Of the attiring and
The disattiring are completed.
A liquid moon
Moves gently among
The long branches.
Thus having prepared their buds
Against a sure winter
The wise trees
Stand sleeping in the cold.

William Carlos Wiliams


Art Trail Musings...

This weekend we survived a really busy two days of visitors, had many many conversations and met lots of very encouraging and generally charming art trailers.

I was a bit nervous but didn't really need to be. I guess most art trailer types are genuinely interested in seeing the work and meeting the artist. I actually am reminded why I enjoy the whole process of making art, from beginning to end. The icing on the cake being the happy purchaser!

Thank you if you came along.

I'm back at work getting ready for the Padstow Christmas Festival in a week or so.

Glad and grateful to be a busy artist.


Snow, trees and rabbits

I've realised just where my love of trees and snow comes from...
These watercolours were painted by my lovely mum at least thirty years ago. I think I've inherited the gene from her! THANK YOU!
The three little children are me and my brother and sister... I'm the smallest.

It's a few hours now until we open the doors for the Art Trail. I'm a little nervous but excited to see if people like what I've been fixating on recently.... Trees and snow.
No rabbits though.