'Mysterious Dartmoor, dimly seen and prized for being distant and untrod...' Carrington, the Dartmoor Poet
'Mysterious Dartmoor, dimly seen and prized for being distant and untrod...' Carrington, the Dartmoor Poet
Behold the Sea,
The opaline, the plentiful and strong,
Yet beautiful as is the rose in June,
Fresh as the trickling rainbow of July;
Sea full of food, the nourisher of kinds,
Purger of earth, and medicine of men;
Creating a sweet climate by my breath,
Washing out harms and griefs from memory,
And, in my mathematic ebb and flow,
Giving a hint of that which changes not.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I am reading Wildwood by Roger Deakin... Lovely book. It prompted me to look back over my photos, lifting out all the leaves.
He describes how the canopy of leaves filter the light and are like little windows in themselves. I can remember that sort of feeling, looking up at the thousands of lime green droplets, different shapes and sizes, each one a window, letting in a kind of vivid living light.
I love leaves. Just starting to see new ones emerging.
'Once inside a wood, you walk on something very like the seabed, looking up at the canopy of leaves as if it were the surface of the water, filtering the descending shafts of sunlight and dappling everything.'
Roger Deakin, Wildwood