
A time for everything...

Still warm, rich, almost heady with Autumn... That's how it felt today to sit in the garden, do a bit of drawing and have tea. I was trying to absorb a bit of sunshine in an attempt to banish a cold.

Something strange happened earlier in the day. As I was standing staring out of the window (not uncommon!) something caught my eye, a bird fluttering and falling to the ground. I thought it was a baby bird maybe, but we realised on closer inspection that it was a female black cap, and that it had died...

I don't think I am a natural naturalist, but I do love looking at nature. I couldn't resist spending time looking at, holding and drawing this perfect and lovely little bird, who had mysteriously stopped flying in front of my very eyes.

The tree the bird fell from, a Cotoneaster, is heavy with berries today, a very busy place at the moment, feeding blackbirds mainly. In the summer it was humming with bees... It's a place where life thrives. And just a chance glance today and I saw a little life literally fall to the ground.

"There is a time for everything under the sun...a time to live and a time to die..." The book of Ecclesiastes

One way or another this summer is drawing to a close with that reality a reality. It's ok.


Something else caught my eye hiding in the leaves of the tree... This amazing caterpillar of a moth or butterfly! Never seen one quite like it, must find out what it is. Great reminder that life is all about the journey...

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