
Bright Edges

I wanted to record in a few words how the Bright Edges exhibition went a week or so ago in Clifton, Bristol.


I've realised over the last year that I enjoy an 'event' orientated schedule... Planning, devising themes, working out how to display, presenting a finished, whole collection that represents a few months of work. I think it's the way I am wired. I like a year planner! And it's a way of recording, as in a journal, what's going on in life.


This year I will have been part of nine different events, as well as the important work of supplying galleries. Maybe that has been too many, but I have enjoyed each one, and each one has been really important, pushing me to work, sometimes when I have just wanted watch the television or go shopping! When you have to make a living from your work you also have to push through those feelings! It's been good.


I feel that each event has proved something to me... That there's always more to learn and discover. And that stirs up excitement about the next exhibition or event. I have lots of sleepless nights, trying to work out how much work I need, will I have time, how shall I display those little miniatures?! But it usually works out and all is well.


But it's only worthwhile because of the connection that builds up with the lovely folks who buy the work. Once it's in their hands the work is off on a new journey. It's no longer mine, it's part of another persons story... I love that. Or maybe it's just the reaction from a viewer, how it prompts a memory or feeling. If there were no feedback, I would have run out of inspiration and energy long ago.


Anyway, Bright Edges was a short week, in my home city, an opportunity to meet new friends and old, play shop, see my work well lit! Loved it but was glad to pack up and get back to the studio, where I can leave it messy at the end of the day!


The next big event in the year planner is the North Bristol Arts Trail, 23/24 November. My studio will be open, tidy and warm. And you are very welcome.




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